The GF-1 96-well Tissue DNA Extraction Kit is designed for rapid and high-throughput purification of animal tissues, cultured animal cells and paraffin-embedded tissues, up to 96 samples simultaneously. The purification is based on the usage of denaturing agents to provide efficient cell lysis, denaturation of proteins and subsequent release of genomic DNA. Special buffers provided in the kit are optimized to enhance binding of DNA onto a specially-treated glass filter membrane for efficient recovery of highly pure genomic DNA.
- Yields up to 5-10μg of genomic DNA.
- No organic-based extraction required.
- Highly pure genomic DNA ready to use for routine molecular biology applications such as restriction enzyme digestion, PCR, Southern Blotting, DNA fingerprinting, etc.
Ordering Information
Catalog No | Description | Pack Size |
GF-96-T05 | GF-1 96-well Tissue DNA Extraction Kit | 96 x 5 plates |
GF-96-T10 | GF-1 96-well Tissue DNA Extraction Kit | 96 x 10 plates |